PractiCons is a medical practice management and consulting firm specializing in problem solving and problem prevention for mainstream medical practices.

Providers of health care are under growing pressure from insurance companies, managed care organizations, and the government. Consequently, health care providers throughout the nation are redesigning structures and processes in order to remain economically viable and gain market share. Coupled with decreasing profit margins and continuous mergers within the health care industry, it has become overly easy for health care providers to have mistakenly mal-aligned themselves with the demands of the market.

With over 21 years of experience in the business of health care, PractiCons is in the forefront of the health industry transformation, and can help poise your practice for the dawn of the new era through innovative strategies and sound business advice.

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Mission Statement

To continually improve the performance of healthcare providers.


To be the recognized leader in the business of healthcare.


  • Support our clients so they can provide quality patient care
  • Set standards for professional performance
  • Continuous learning for professional growth
  • Evidence-based decision-making
  • Teamwork between physicians and administrators
  • Promote diversity
  • Service to our community and the profession
  • Respect all individuals